Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Animals of the Canadian Rockies (2nd photo is of the bear story)

On the way to Jasper, we found a herd of big horn sheep on a ledge.  They scurried to get away from
all the traffic on the road.

How does a bear get from one side of the mountain, across the canyon, to the other side?

ow d0000...Hp

We are crossing a bridge in our pickup when up wanders teenager black bear, having come down from the mountainside.  He walks, then runs, on the side of the road for a few moments.

Then he literally bounds up on the railing, like an Olympic gymnast, and walks along there for awhile.

Then he dismounts the railing, bounds to the mountainside and is on his way to find more buffaloberries.

Alongside the road in Banff we find a herd of elk.  Notice the whitish rump.  Males can be up to 700 pounds and 8 feet in length.  Grasses is what they are eating.

Of course there is a line of cars on both sides of the road.  You are to stay in your car and take photos from a distance.  They have been known to be tired of humans and charge them!!!

Is is time for Christmas yet?  My first view of a reindeer (caribou) with statistics about the same as an elk.  He is eating birch leaves.  His antlers were covered with velvet.  These are found along the highway heading to Jasper.  The only animal I didn't get to view was a grizzly and I think that's OK!

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